Flash Fiction Competition

February 25, 2025 @ 6:00PM — 9:00PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) Add to Calendar

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Support youth literacy in a 1-hour flash fiction virtual competition!

Put your storytelling skills to the test in an hour-long writing session against other writers.

Welcome to Podium's 4th February Flash Fiction Competition! From the comfort of your home or at a friend's, write your tale with us in this 1-hour challenge!

Writers are challenged to create epic flash fiction tales in just 1-hour. Competing flash fiction authors have a chance to win monetary prizes plus digital showcases of their stories!

Not the writing type? Then please join us as a viewer!

  • Date: Tues, Feb 25th
  • Time: 6 - 9 pm for competitors; 8:30 - 9pm for viewers
  • Location: Zoom event (competitor break between 7:30 - 8:30pm)
  • Contest Rules:
    • 1,000 words maximum.
    • One typed piece, 12-point font, double-spaced.
    • Must be submitted by 7:30pm with a title.
    • Late or over word count submissions will be disqualified.
    • Genres and elements are randomly assigned on the night of the competition.
    • The rubric is based on a 4-point system divided into 5 categories: conflict, resolution, characterization, creativity, and elements used.


  • 1st place: $60 gift card to a local bookstore of your choice + recorded reading of your story!
  • 2nd place: $40 gift card to a local bookstore of your choice + recorded reading of your story!

Ticket information:

  • To compete: $45 entry fee
  • To attend winner announcements & readings (8:30 - 9pm): $15 entry fee
  • Virtual Event Sponsor: $250
    • Sponsorship includes: weekly social media and email promotion, press release announcement, logo included in video recap + up to 3 competitor or 9 viewer tickets!
Ticket Details

$50 raised by 1 person


Support us with a donation.
